
Working from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. does not always cut it when you are struggling to pay off credit card debt. And for many people, there is not always enough time, energy, or availability to get second or third jobs. Luckily, there are plenty of ways to make some extra income that will help you experience unsecured debt relief and stress less when it comes to your finances.

Find out how our debt settlement company can help you find the debt relief method that is perfect for getting your unique situation.

Sell Your Old Stuff

One of the most tried and trusted ways to pay off debt is to go through your home and find a bunch of old stuff that you can sell. The best way to do this is to take a weekend to browse and organize all of the rooms of your home, taking out non-essential items you rarely ever use. Get them all cleaned up and either host a yard sale or take photos of the items and try to sell them online through Facebook or various apps.

Join an App to Complete Random Tasks

If you have a little extra time one afternoon or nothing to do the next few weekends, it is the perfect time to earn a little extra money to pay off credit card debt. With apps like TaskRabbit, Handy, and OfferUp, you can put yourself on the market quickly and easily to help people complete things on their to-do lists. You can provide services like house cleaning, dog walking, fixing smartphones, tutoring, walking dogs, picking up groceries, and much more. The best part is, you have some control over your workflow, so you can always increase or decrease the number of jobs you take on, depending on how much extra time you have and your credit card repayment amount.

Become a Nanny

It may not be one of the most fun ways to pay off debt, but being a nanny will definitely pay the bills. Per Payscale, the average salary for nannies is around $14 per hour, which means that, even if you only do the job part-time, you can make plenty of money to pay off several bills. Plus, depending on the family you work for, you can spend some of the time as a nanny exploring the city, eating great food, or even having extra time to yourself after the kids go to bed.

Get Gigs on Craigslist

Craigslist is loaded with offers, whether they are for cheap products to help you save money on things you need or for gigs that will help you pay off credit card debt. There are often plenty of temporary jobs listed that will help put a little extra change in your pocket, including writing jobs, photo shoots, cleaning houses or businesses, and much more.

Promote Businesses

While it may not be easy to become an Instagram-famous product sponsor, there are plenty of other ways you can get paid to sponsor businesses. If you have your own company from home, you could consider getting business sponsors and offer to put their logos and other information on your documents and various products. You could also consider joining an advertisement service where you keep a business’s advertisements on your website, social media, or even your personal items. One service, for example, will pay you to put a business decal on your vehicle that consumers will see during your regular commute.

Get the Help You Need Today

No matter your skill set, there are plenty of options available to ensure that you pay off your credit card debt in a timely manner. Contact Liberty Debt Relief today to find out how our committed debt consultants can help you come up with a solution that provides long-term results and changes.

If you are ever low on funds, credit cards are a great backup for emergencies, right? While this may be somewhat true, credit cards also pose a dangerous threat to many people’s situations, especially if they are unable to pay back the money they spend. Luckily, there are steps available to make sure that credit card debt repayment goes smoothly. Follow Liberty Debt Relief’s outline and you will pay off your credit card debt and be on your way to brighter financial days in no time.

Write It All Out

The best way to get out of debt is to take the time and look at all of the financial statements available for all of your accounts. Start by looking at the financial statements for the past three to six months for all of the credit cards you owe money on and categorizing all of the expenses — groceries, restaurants, bills, shopping, and anything else. By doing this, you can get to the root of your debt and see where you can cut costs. If you find that you are spending a few hundred dollars on eating at restaurants and getting coffee every month and very little on groceries, for example, you can make it a monthly financial goal to spend more time cooking and making coffee at home. This one simple move can end up saving you hundreds of dollars.

Check Your Budget and Plan a New One

Once you know how you tend to spend money every month, you can start planning a new budget to pay off debt. Other than switching from restaurants to cooking, there are plenty of ways to save money. To plan your budget, start by writing out what your expected income is every month and make sure to include money from part-time jobs or financial assistance programs. Then, make a list of all your top-priority expenses, including utility bills, rent or mortgage, car payments, and insurances. After marking down those expenses, you can play around with the numbers to figure out how much you can spend on gas, groceries, personal care, shopping and of course, paying back your debt.

Budgeting is one of the most important steps for successful debt repayment. In order to change your financial situation, you have to change your financial habits. When making a new budget, make sure to designate a portion of your income strictly toward paying back debt. How much you set aside, of course, depends on how much you owe and your income.

Find the Process that Works for You

Now that you have a plan to use a certain portion of your budget towards debt, you have to figure out how you want to divvy that money up between your accounts. If you are just looking to pay back debt for one credit card, then you can simply allocate all of that budget portion towards the single card. If you are dealing with multiple credit card debts, however, then the best way to get out of debt is by figuring out how much you owe to each account and the interest rates and fees associated with each one.

There are many different debt relief strategies you can employ to accomplish this. Some prefer the snowball method, in which you put most of your money towards the debt you can pay off first. If credit card A has a $1,000 balance with an 11% interest rate, credit card B has a $3,000 balance with a 12% interest rate, and credit card C has a $4,000 balance with a 15% interest rate, you would choose to spend the majority of your debt budget to paying off credit card A first. Others prefer paying off accounts that can do the most damage first, in which case you would spend the majority of your budget on credit card C. You could also simply divide the money equally between the accounts.

Write Out Goals that Will Motivate You

Regardless of which debt repayment method you prefer, the key is to stay motivated. Try making smaller goals that you know are attainable. Instead of worrying about paying off credit cards A, B and C all at once, for example, make it a goal to pay off credit card A within six months, B within a year, and C within two years. If simply making payments has been a struggle for you in the past, you could aim to make your payments on time and in full every month. And when you do reach these goals, it is always important to reward yourself. That reward does not have to be anything expensive, but you could treat yourself to a night out, a new restaurant you have been wanting to try, a book you have been dying to read, or even an article of clothing you constantly pass on your way to work.

Having these smaller goals and rewarding yourself for them will only make you more motivated to get out of debt. Finances do not have to be a stressful burden, they can be an exciting tactic that pushes you toward bettering yourself all around.

Get Started on Getting Out of Debt

The most important thing to understand about getting out of credit card debt is that you do not have to go on this journey alone. Liberty Debt Relief’s debt consultants are always available to answer any questions you may have about your situation and educate you regarding how you can get out of debt most efficiently. Contact us today and start securing your debt-free future.