Entries by libertydebt

What Happens to My Delinquent Debt If I Leave the Country?

When faced with sudden stressful situations, people automatically get one of two reflexes — to fight or to flee. While these situations often come in the form of physical emergencies, they also happen when financial stress occurs. If debt gets too high, some people begin to wonder what exactly happens to debt if and when […]

What Lenders Look For in a Debt Settlement Negotiation

Getting out of debt is a long process that takes a lot of patience and flexibility. Negotiations can take several months for you and your debt settlement consultant to complete, but if you know exactly what to expect and what the other party you are negotiating with expects in return, you can make the process […]

Benefits of Debt Consultant vs. Debt Settlement Attorney

When you get to the point where there is no other option than to seek a debt consultant, you will undoubtedly come across various options for doing so. Along with finding reputable companies like Liberty Debt Relief, you will also be introduced to the option of getting a debt settlement attorney. Attorneys can help with […]

Settlement vs Management: The Best Debt Solutions for You

Everyone has different kinds of debt they have accrued over the years, which means everyone needs a debt solution that caters to their particular situation. When it comes to deciding between various relief options, the answer depends on many factors. Luckily, Liberty Debt Relief has experience working with individuals in all kinds of financial situations, […]

What Creditors Expect After a Debt Settlement Negotiation

The process of negotiating with creditors takes a lot of your time, energy, and patience. While it is important that you understand the process of getting into and eventually settling your debt negotiation, it is equally important that you understand what happens after that agreement is reached. Settling your debt with a financial lender is […]