Entries by libertydebt

Credit Delinquency & Other Issues of Many Debt Settlement Clients

Every year, thousands of people get into a situation where their credit score and debt total has reached a delinquency status. Months of built-up credit card balances, utility bills, and other unpaid statements is a common scenario for people seeking debt settlement. What many people do not realize, however, is that the buildup is a […]

5 Tips for Avoiding New Debt This Year

A new year is a new start to achieve your goals and steer your life in the direction you want it to go in. For the millions of people in the U.S. who owe money on loans, credit cards, medical expenses, or other lines of credit, a great goal to consider is avoiding getting into […]

What Are the Most Common Types of Debt for Your Age Group?

With debt being such an overwhelming subject to deal with, it can be easy to forget that it is a problem that impacts millions of people every year. Whether you are a relatively new borrower at only 18 years old or have maintained a well-seasoned financial history for decades, there is a constant stream of […]

Debt Settlement Programs vs. Debt Counseling Programs

For many people, even those who are not currently in serious debt, the thought of not being financially stable is nearly debilitating. Along with putting a dampening mood on your outlook for the future, it also just seems confusing with so many debt relief options available. Many people get stuck between two popular options — […]